Monday, May 25, 2015

I Do What Others Won't Today, So I Can Do What Others Can't Tomorrow

Elder Farias and Elder Hunt, companions and good friends

President Farnes gave us a scripture in Mosiah 28:3 that defined this week for us.  This week we worked even harder than last week. We left the house every single day at 9am and got home at 9pm or later. We worked as hard as we possibly could, but did still not get the results we wanted as a companionship and as a zone. But I’m still as happy and motivated as ever! ;)
I love Grandpa Faust!

I’m going to follow my best pal Elder Drake Marley’s example, and today I will also share a little of my own personal mission development. 

July 9th is the year mark for my full time missionary service

The CTM (MTC) was a time of speaking a ton of English with other Americans, struggling through Portuguese classes, and 6 weeks that felt like an eternity. 

Cool Street Art

Brasilandia was a time of long, tough days not knowing Portuguese with a companion that didn’t know a lick of English. Shortly after it became "Só agua", breaking the mission record with our 17 baptisms in a transfer. There I was learning how far I can push myself.

More street art in Sao Paulo

After my Chilean trainer Elder Medina left, the smooth Elder Augirres taught me how to gain the confidence of others. Also living with three Brazilians improved my Portuguese a ton, living with 3 Brazilians is quite an experience!   ;) All I can say is that Brazilians are just "MORE."

In Cachoeirinha, I learned how to make things happen despite difficult circumstances. I learned how to help others change with love, not force or anger. I learned to rely on the Lord; I learned to lose myself in the work; and I learned to suffer a little, appreciating Christ's atonement even more. I put more of a focus on the Gospels, how Christ taught and lived, I learned to lead, to love, and lost 8 pounds from Dengue Fever. -haha. 

In Itu

Everything is bigger in Itu

In Itu, I am learning how to be humble, how to serve, and how to fully consecrate every aspect of myself, my time, my thoughts, my body. 

I know how important missionary work is and how post mission, this same fire to save souls cannot diminish. 

"The standard of truth has been erected: no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing, persecution may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done."

Transfers are next week, so we will see if anything changes. 


Elder Hunt <3 :)

Elder Hunt and Elder Jacobs on a division

Elder Hunt doesn't have much time for exercise these days but he does what he can.

Still looking pretty buff Elder Hunt, at 10 1/2 months in! 

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